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Giving to St Nicholas' Hormead

It costs at least £900 per week to keep St Nicholas' Church open. We really need your help. As well as getting involved and joining us for worship, one of the best ways is to become a regular supporter.

If you’d like to support our local churches these are the details for making regular standing orders or one-off bank transfers:

Church PCC Account Name

Sort Code

Account Number

Hormead with Wyddial PCC



 Please give a Payemnt Reference: GHDON8 followed by your Surname.
If you'd like to enable us to collect GiftAid on your donation, please email us and we'll send yo a form.

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You can also give to Hormead with Wyddial using 'Give a little' enabling Hormead with Wyddial PCC to raise funds for its work and other charitable purposes.

Follow the Give a little link here



The Vicarage 

Great Hormead 



SG9 0NT 

01763 289258